Addressing the Issue of School Dropouts in India: Causes and Solutions

Published on September 28, 2024

The issue of school dropouts in India remains a significant challenge in the country's education system. Despite efforts to enhance access to education, many children leave school before completing their studies. This problem affects individual futures and hinders India's overall development. 

As one of the best NGOs for children in India, Child Rights and You (CRY) is committed to addressing this issue. Understanding the causes and implementing practical solutions is crucial to ensure every child receives the education they deserve.

Issue of School Dropouts in India

Current School Dropout in India

The current situation around school dropouts in India is alarming. It indicates that a substantial percentage of children leave school before completing their education. This trend is particularly prominent in rural areas and among marginalised communities. These school dropouts face numerous challenges, including limited job prospects and reduced earning potential, which further contribute to the cycles of poverty and inequality.

Causes for School Dropout in India

Several factors contribute to the high rates of school dropouts. We need to understand these factors to develop practical solutions for school dropouts in India. Some of the primary causes include:

1. Child Labour

Many families, especially those living in poverty, rely on their children's income for survival. As a result, children are forced to abandon their education to work in various sectors, including agriculture, manufacturing, and domestic service. 

Child labour not only deprives them of their right to education but also exposes them to potential exploitation and health risks.

2. Child Marriages

Early marriages, particularly for girls, contribute significantly to the dropout rate. In many parts of India, cultural norms and economic pressures lead to child marriages.  

India has the highest number of girls and women married during childhood, with 34% being married before the age of 18 (source: UNICEF, 2023). Hence, addressing child marriage is crucial in tackling the issue of school dropouts in India.

ALSO READ: Effective Ways To Stop Child Marriages

3. Outcomes of School Commitment

The lack of engaging and quality education can also reduce student commitment. Children who do not find their studies interesting or relevant are more likely to lose interest and eventually drop out. 

Improving the quality of education, making it more practical and engaging, can significantly reduce dropout rates and enhance student retention.

4. Gender Disparities

Gender inequality is a major reason behind school dropouts in India. Safety concerns, household responsibilities, and societal norms often prevent girls from receiving education. 

Addressing these gender disparities is essential to ensure every child gets equal educational opportunities irrespective of their gender.

5. Health Issues

Health problems, including malnutrition and chronic illnesses, contribute to school dropouts. Children lacking proper nutrition or frequently suffering from illnesses struggle to attend school regularly and perform well academically.  

Such situations can cause frustration and eventually lead to dropout. Providing adequate healthcare and nutrition support can help keep children in school and improve their learning outcomes.

ALSO READ: Importance of Children's Right to Health

6. Lack of Parental Involvement

Parental involvement plays a big role in a child's educational success. However, in many cases, parents may not value education due to their own lack of awareness or economic pressures. Lack of support and encouragement from parents can prevent children from continuing their studies. 

Educating parents about the significance of schooling and involving them in their children's education can significantly reduce dropout rates.

What Efforts are Being Made in India to Improve These Rates?

The government has launched initiatives like the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and the Right to Education Act (source:, Aug 2021) as a preventative measure against the school dropout issue.

Education NGO like CRY are working on grassroots levels, proactively addressing the reasons for school dropouts in India through community engagement, awareness programs, and direct interventions. These combined efforts focus on improving access to quality education.

Solution for Preventing School Dropouts

Preventing school dropouts in India requires a multi-faceted approach. Key solutions include improving school infrastructure, enhancing the quality of education, promoting gender equality, and addressing socioeconomic factors. 

We at CRY India focus on these areas, working closely with communities, schools, and local governments to create sustainable solutions for school dropouts in India.

1. Enhancing Infrastructure and Facilities

Improving school infrastructure is crucial in reducing dropout rates. Many children, especially in rural areas, leave school due to a lack of basic facilities. By working with communities, social workers and local stakeholders CRY ensures schools have adequate classrooms, clean water, and sanitation facilities. 

We also focus on creating safe and comfortable learning environments. These improvements help to encourage regular attendance and reduce dropouts.

2. Enhancing Educational Quality

Quality in education is key to keeping children engaged and in school. CRY supports initiatives to improve teaching methods, provide better learning materials, and introduce relevant curricula. We train teachers in interactive and child-friendly teaching techniques to enhance educational quality. 

By making education more engaging and relevant to students' lives, we aim to increase their interest in learning and reduce the likelihood of dropping out.

3. Promoting Community and Parental Involvement

Community and parental involvement is crucial in addressing school dropouts in India. CRY organizes awareness programs to educate parents about the importance of education

We create parent-teacher associations and community watch groups to monitor children's attendance and progress. By creating a supportive environment at home and within the community, we help children complete their education.

4. Promoting Gender Equality

Gender inequality is a significant factor in school dropouts, particularly for girls. CRY promotes gender equality in education through various initiatives. We advocate for girls' education, provide scholarships, and work to change societal attitudes towards girls. 

5. Addressing Health Issues

CRY implements school health and nutrition programs, including regular health check-ups and mid-day meal schemes. We also educate children and parents about the importance of hygiene and proper nutrition. 

By addressing health concerns, we help ensure that children are physically able to attend school regularly, reducing absences that often lead to dropouts.

6. Strengthening Enforcement of Child Labour Laws

Child labour is a major cause of school dropouts. CRY works closely with authorities to strengthen the enforcement of child labour laws. We conduct awareness campaigns about the harmful effects of child labour and educate people about the legal repercussions. 

Additionally, we support alternative income generation programs for families to reduce their dependence on child labour. 

How CRY India is Making a Positive Difference in Addressing School Dropouts and Promoting Education?

At CRY India, we take a comprehensive approach to addressing school dropouts in India. We work directly with communities, schools, and local governments to implement practical and effective solutions. Our programs focus on improving school infrastructure, enhancing educational quality, promoting gender equality, and addressing socioeconomic factors that lead to dropouts. 

We've successfully registered 2,33,967 children in schools. Through our efforts, we're keeping children in school and ensuring they receive quality education for a brighter future.


Addressing school dropouts is crucial for the country's development. While challenges persist, the combined efforts of the government, NGOs like CRY, and local communities are making a significant impact. By continuing to focus on solutions and working together, we can ensure that every child in India has the opportunity to complete their education.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does CRY India help reduce school dropout rates?

CRY India helps reduce school dropout rates by addressing critical barriers like poverty, gender inequality, and lack of infrastructure. Through community engagement, improved access to education, and support for children’s health and nutrition, CRY creates an environment where children are encouraged to complete their education.

How to solve the dropout problem?

To solve the dropout problem, providing systemic support connecting stakeholders to the existing government scheme, social benefits, improving school infrastructure, offering flexible learning options, and raising community awareness about the value of education can help keep children in school and reduce dropout rates.

Which scheme in India is meant for reducing dropout in school?

The Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan is a key scheme in India aimed at reducing school dropouts. It's an integrated scheme for school education from preschool to class 12. The program focuses on improving access, quality, and learning outcomes while bridging social and gender gaps in school education.