You Can Help CRY Protect Children From Malnutrition

Published on July 28, 2022

Protect Children From Malnutrition

Nutrition is essential for children, especially during their first 1000 days. The care given to them in this initial phase of their lives can prove to be extremely helpful for wholesome development. But the truth is that underprivileged children get little or no resources to grow up in a healthy environment. The lack of diet, timely immunizations, and proper healthcare prove to be extremely harmful to their physical, mental, and cognitive development. According to NFHS-5, 89% of children between 6-23 months do not have access to an adequate diet in India. Due to poverty in India, they are deprived of nutritional care, and a lack of awareness makes them vulnerable to malnutrition.

According to UNICEF 2019 and ICMR 2019, 2 of 3 child deaths, below the age of 5, are caused by malnutrition. This is the reality that needs to be addressed on priority as all children deserve a more promising childhood but many in our country do not have access to it. As a result, they often suffer from recurring diseases and stunted growth, and in extreme cases, even face death. Given the closure of government healthcare centres & midday meal systems during the lockdown, this number has only risen as more underprivileged children are unable to get healthcare and nutrition. The recently released National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5) has found that 89 per cent of children between the formative ages of 6-23 months do not receive a “minimum acceptable diet”.

We, at CRY, India’s top NGO, have been working tirelessly to address malnutrition in India and help the children lead a healthier childhood. CRY has partnered with healthcare workers and local government systems. We have also been encouraging and enabling homegrown kitchen gardens to address nutritional needs by ensuring quality food. 86% of children in CRY project areas, under the age of 5 years, were prevented from malnutrition. Only 17% of children in CRY project areas are underweight, as compared to 32% of all India status.

But we need YOUR help in reaching out to more people and ensuring a better life for underprivileged children. You can donate to Child Rights and You, India’s most trusted NGO, to give children the gift of health. In the process of supporting India’s most vulnerable children to survive, you can also avail a 50% income tax exemption on your donation.